Dating is a journey many of us face in our lifetime. It is the path that guides us from first encounter meetings to a happily ever after! But why does it feel more like we’re uncertainly meandering with Dorothy down the yellow brick road? Going on dates with no real direction, either because we don’t know what we want or there is no chemistry to even fizzle. Sure we pick up some friends along the way, maybe they’re a bit more quick-witted and not so cold-hearted, but we’re always looking out for the elusive Oz at the end of the road.
There’s a reason why the term “you kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince” was coined. Traditional dating is getting to know the person across from you with a nice dinner. However, sometimes not even the most romantic atmosphere or funniest waiter can save the silence that ensues between you ordering and when the food reaches your table. Having to sit across from someone you have zero connection or compatibility with is one of life’s cruel jokes. This experience is why the concept of speed dating is emerging.
What is Speed Dating?
Speed Dating is a way to quickly meet potential partners. The concept is all about gauging chemistry in a specific amount of time. The goal in these first minutes is establishing “Would I like to meet this person again”? Speed dating allows an opportunity to test-out your potential connection with someone before it goes too far.
A location is arranged by a company or host, whether in a city’s local restaurant or lounge, where on a specific night singles will be matched for quick intervals. Speed dating is not something that has to be done alone; many single friends go to event nights together for a night out.
Future of dating: Where is the dating world going?
The future of dating is all about authenticity and convenience. A dater wants to match with someone who is genuine. Pictures and profiles hinder a person’s first impressions. Looks will only go so far when two people are in a relationship. With the generational shift from Millennials to Gen Z, our culture and interactions are changing. Instead of the look-focused picture posts of Instagram, the storytelling and personality-showing TikTok videos are gaining recognition. Every person is a voice beyond a picture in life – why date based on a photo versus conversation?
The concept of speed dating is one of the most responsive dating methods in the context of continued relationships. The problem for the future is how to raise the concept to match our busy lives? Speed dating used to fit as an event – something done on Friday/Saturday nights that would consist of showing up early beforehand to have dinner or drinks before meeting your dates. Now and in the future, our lives are so hectic with work, college, or hobbies/side ventures that we barely have time for the people WE actually know, let alone meeting someone new. Moving this dating technique online would provide better accessibility to find that love match.
Why choose speed dating online?
Being online makes everything easier. Building human connections from the comfort of our home? Uh yes, please!
Speed dating via video is a great way to explore stepping outside your comfort zone. If you haven’t had any luck going out on dates, video speed dating keeps the comfort of staying online while changing the swiping mentality. It’s difficult to know what you want by a picture profile.
Using a virtual speed dating app, like The Zero Date, is less of a commitment than a regular speed dating event. It’s already a little nerve wracking going to these events and having to worry about ‘what should I wear’ (to wear heels or not to wear heels … that is the question) or ‘how am I getting there’. With virtual, you control the space you’re in by being in your home.
Traditional events often require participants to register beforehand and they are charged around $20-$40 per event. These costs cover the venue price and/or the fees of the promoters or hosts. Since speed dating is a planned out event, there are usually smaller groups of daters who attend. Online speed dating allows for more participation. A participant does not need to be in a certain location, all someone needs is a laptop or phone. Placing the speed dating concept online allows for easier access to dates and lower to zero fees.
The Zero Date offers Date Nights for free. All someone needs to do to join is fill out basic information, such as name and email, and be willing to give up 30 minutes every Monday to finding love.
Dating or having the skill to date is all about knowing what you want and being open to building engaging interactions. These skills are not going to develop after one first date, rather with constant practice. Speed dating virtually, builds dating skills with varying interactions in your most convenient environment.